Wednesday, May 13, 2020

7 Easy (and Free) Keyword Research Tools for Marketers ...

7 Free Keyword Research Tools for Content Marketers

As Google gets better at interpreting language and search intent, can we finally take it easy on keywords?
Not really. Keywords remain important indicators of how people use search. Even though we no longer need to go after the exact keywords, an analysis of keywords offers ideas for content that’s relevant to searchers and shows gaps that your content could fill.
Keyword analyses offer ideas for more relevant #content and filling content gaps, says @ab80 via @cmicontent. #SEOCLICK TO TWEET
To that end, these seven free keyword research tools, from most comprehensive to a little extravagant, can help.

1. Keyword Surfer

If you want a fully immersive keyword research experience, then consider adding the Keyword Surfer Chrome extension. It hijacks each of your Google searches by displaying keyword statistics in the search bar. It also adds a side panel to the search result page, providing the top 10 keywords similar to the current query.
Now, Keyword Surfer is not intended to be your primary keyword research tool – the data is far from complete. But, it’s still a handy tool to have running in the background in case something catches your eye during your daily browsing.
.@surfer_seo #KeywordSurfer Chrome extension hijacks each of your Google searches by displaying keyword stats in the search bar, says @ab80 via @cmicontent. #toolsCLICK TO TWEET
Best for: Tip-of-the-iceberg ideas that can appear without adding another step

2. Google Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is a perfect balance of sophistication and simplicity. On the one hand, it’s a Google SEO tool so it accesses one of the biggest and the most reliable keyword databases. On the other hand, it doesn’t allow for much research customization and discloses only the most basic of keyword quality metrics.
Enter a few seed keywords and get a list of semantically similar keyword suggestions, complete with metrics like monthly search volume, competition, and bid ranges. There are likely to be thousands of results. You can use the sorting and filtering options to narrow them down. Most notably, you can exclude negative keywords – you won’t see the results for searches that include those words.
Even though you can see a lot of keywords, the variation is narrow and unlikely to inspire original content ideas. That said, Keyword Planner is still a great place to start your keyword research. Once you weed out irrelevant results, synonyms, and seldom-searched terms, you are left with a keyword list of about a dozen basic but actionable terms.
Best for: Finding pillar content ideas
Use a tool such as @Google #KeywordPlanner for finding pillar #content ideas, says @ab80 via @cmicontent. #tools #SEOtipsCLICK TO TWEET

3. QuestionDB

Another question-oriented keyword finder, QuestionDB pulls a keyword list from a database of over 48 million questions asked on Reddit.
#QuestionDB is a #keywordresearch tool using Reddit posts, says @ab80 via @cmicontent.CLICK TO TWEET
When people post to Reddit, they ask questions that are not readily answered by Google. That’s your opening to create a unique piece of expert content. You can even add it to the topic’s Reddit thread once it’s ready.
Sometimes this tool returns nothing useful, but other times it can be fascinating. In a search for “winter jacket,” I was surprised to find a question about using a rain shell and a sweater to construct a winter jacket and more than one question about form-fitting down jackets. Right there are two unexpected but promising content ideas.
Best for: Finding ideas for niche expert articles

4. Rank Tracker

Unlike most other SEO tools on this list, Rank Tracker is a collection of nine research methods. Those approaches can be broadly sorted into two distinct categories – spying on your competitors and playing with keyword semantics. (Disclosure. Rank Tracker is part of my company’s software portfolio.)
Rank Tracker finds the highest-ranking keywords for a competitor and exposes the keyword gaps on your site. As for semantic research, enter a keyword and get a list of related searches, related questions, and autocomplete suggestions. Keywords collected this way are a gold mine for content makers because many of them already sound like article titles.
.@seopowersuite #RankTracker tool finds the highest-ranking #keywords for a competitor & exposes the gaps on your site, says @ab80 via @cmicontent.CLICK TO TWEET
In addition, Rank Tracker integrates with Google’s SEO tools, including analytics, keyword planner, and search console, so you can see detailed quality metrics, like organic search volume and keyword difficulty.
Best for: Borrowing good content ideas from your competitors

5. Google Trends

Using Google Trends is not as much about discovering the best keywords as it is about prioritizing your content ideas. It shows keyword popularity over time and across geographic locations. You can plot and compare several keywords on the same graph.
For example, Google Trends reveals “winter jacket” and “down jacket” are not as interchangeable as they seem. Searches for “winter jacket” peak in early November and are quickly overtaken by searches for “down jackets.” Perhaps people searching for winter jackets end up learning about the types and conclude down is the best type so they search for “down jacket.” After they learn about different down jacket brands, an uptick in “Arcteryx” searches can be seen.
With this information, a series of articles based on keyword priorities during the calendar year should be created and scheduled. Using this example, you could create a guide on types of winter jackets followed by a listicle of the best down jackets, and then publish a detailed review of best Arc’teryx models.
Best for: Refining your content strategy and editorial calendar based on keyword trends
Use @GoogleTrends for refining your #contentstrategy and editorial calendar based on keyword trends, says @ab80 via @cmicontent.CLICK TO TWEET

6. Google Search Console

Google Search Console lets you discover opportunities for those keywords already used on your website.
Discover your site’s keywords that need help with #GoogleSearchConsole, says @ab80 via @cmicontent. #keywordresearchCLICK TO TWEET
Google Search Сonsole provides a list of keywords that your site ranks for, including SERP positions and click-through rates. The trick is that each SERP position has a widely accepted CTR benchmark. For example, a keyword in the first position should expect to have a CTR of about 30%. Each consecutive position drops an average of 5%, and the last four positions on the first page of SERP get a CTR of about 3%.
You can see if a keyword is falling behind its SERP position CTR benchmark. To raise the CTR, you could work on your snippets – come up with a catchier title, optimize the meta description, apply schema markup, or even rewrite the page to make your content a better fit for users’ expectations. Making improvements is likely to bring more traffic than trying to rank with new keywords.
Best for: Identifying underperforming pieces of content on your website that could benefit from a fresh coat of paint

7. Answer The Public

Searchers are increasingly confident in using natural language when forming queries because search engines are getting smarter and delivering the results searchers seek. More highly specific, question-like searches are being asked and Google is delivering more featured Q&A snippets at the top of results.
If you want to join this game, Answer The Public is a perfect place to start your search for long-tail keywords.
Enter a keyword and Answer The Public turns it into an appealing infographic of the relevant queries that use questions, comparisons, and prepositions sorted by popularity.
That’s all the tool does, but the displayed queries are always on point and present a few dozen actionable ideas for each keyword. Some of those queries could be turned into stand-alone articles, while others may be grouped as section headers in a larger piece of content.
Answer The Public is a direct line to members of your audience, their concerns, and the language they use to express them. All you have to do is publish the answers they seek.
.@answerthepublic is a direct line to your audience members, their concerns, and the language they use to express them, says @ab80 via @cmicontent. #keywordresearchCLICK TO TWEET
Best for: Generating ideas for individual articles or detailed guides

Connecting searches to content

These seven free SEO tools range from an easy tool for the lazy keyword search to a niche tool for Reddit question search terms. Start with comprehensive SEO tools that return basic results and move on to wild-card tools to find something edgy. Let me know what SEO tools you use and how they inform your content development.
Please note: All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors, not the CMI editorial team. No one post can provide all relevant tools in the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your company or ones that you have used). 

Best free keyword research tool

9 Free Keyword Research Tools to Help Plan Your New Site

new site
Are you in the process of rolling out a new website?
As you know, there’s a lot that goes into the process. From the design to the development, from content creation to your marketing strategy, there’s not enough time in the day to tackle every task.
While there’s sure to be a lot on your mind, make sure that you spend enough time on keyword research to guide your content strategy. By doing so, up front, you’ll have a clear idea as to where you want to take your site in the future and how to shape your content.
There are a few keyword research shortcuts that you can take, and tools often serve as the most effective options.
In the past, I’ve discussed a variety of keyword suggest tools that new businesses can use to target the best keywords for their niche, from long tail search terms to negative keywords. This time around, I’m going to focus on 10 free keyword research tools. With these, you’ll be able to:
  • Choose the best keywords, based on your industry, monthly searches and more.
  • Create a content calendar that’s based on related long tail keywords.
  • Learn more about your competition.
  • Know which keywords on your targeted list have the highest search volume.
  • Boost your search engine rank.

Although you can pay for access to a variety of high level keyword suggestion tools, this isn’t something you have to do. Instead, you can rely on a combination of free tools to compile a quality list that’ll bring you results.
Are you ready to take advantage of these free keyword tools to gain prominence with search engines and produce quality, useful content for your readers?
Then let’s get started.

1. Google AdWords: Keyword Planner

The most obvious choice for the top spot, this free keyword tool has been a favorite for many years.
Not only is the Google Keyword Planner a good choice when starting a new site, but it can also be your best friend as you grow and produce more content.
The primary benefit of this tool is easy to see: you’re able to pull information directly from Google, which is the search engine you’re most likely to target, when optimizing your website.
The first step is as simple as entering your keyword or keywords into the search box.
From there, everything you need is laid out in a clear and concise manner.
In addition to your search term(s), you’re provided with many other ideas. Some of these will work, some won’t. Either way, you want to pay close attention to all of the keywords. You never know when you’ll find a gem.
Along with the keyword list, you’ll find:
  • Average monthly searches
  • Competition
  • Suggested bid (if you’re using AdWords)
I’ll be the first to admit that the Google Keyword Planner doesn’t do anything special. However, it does everything right and that’s what matters most.
If you’re seeking keyword data from the source, you can’t go wrong with this tool.

2. AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator

Are you struggling to uncover new keywords in your keyword research?
This is a challenge that you may face when launching your new site. While you’re familiar with the top keywords in your niche, you don’t know where to go from there. And, as you know, that can be a problem as you create more content.
Consider this keyword tool a great way to help.
With the AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator tool, it’s easy to get creative as you search for keywords that align with your site, marketing strategy and goals.
The thing that I like best about this tool is the way that you can get creative. You can enter a keyword in each of three boxes, hit “generate permutations” and watch the magic happen.
Here’s an example:
As you can see, the more keywords you add into the first three boxes, the more results you’ll receive.
The only downside to this tool is that some of the keyword results may not make sense. For this reason, you must be prepared to spend a good amount of time moving through the list, searching for those that best suit your site.
If keyword creativity is an issue for you, let this tool be your guide. It’ll point you towards some ideas that you may not have previously considered.

3. Google Correlate

As noted above, there’s nothing better than getting advice straight from the source. And, once again, Google is the source I’m talking about.
Google Correlate is an often overlooked tool that can be extremely powerful for generating a large keyword list.
The primary reason to use this tool is the ability to see which keywords get searched together. With this information, you can begin to grow your keyword list (especially longtails).
In the example below, you’ll see that people who search for “diet plan” also search related phrases:
So, while diet plan may be your primary keyword, there are several others that you can focus on, as you create your content calendar. For example, you may decide to create a blog post based on some or all of the “correlations.”
If you find yourself in a keyword rut, Google Correlate can help you escape. You simply enter your primary keyword. From there, the tool does all of the work for you.

4. IMforSMB Bulk Keyword Generator

Some keyword tools are good for every type of website. Others, however, are only a good fit for a particular site type.
This is where the IMforSMB Bulk Keyword Generator fits in. This tool works best for local service companies, as it’s designed with the idea that you’ll want to find local keywords.
Using the tool begins with selecting a category:
From there, take the time to carefully choose your service type:
Finally, enter your service location and click “Generate Keywords.” Then, get ready to be mesmerized by the results.
These results aren’t anything special, as you could eventually come up with the same keyword list by using another tool. However, with its local approach, you’ll feel as if you’re on the right track quicker.
Pro tip: even if your business type isn’t available, you can still use this tool. You’ll have to replace some of the keywords with your own, in the search results.  But, you’ll end up with the same basic results.

5. Keyword In

If you want to “combine your keywords the easy way,” you’re in the right place.
It all starts with a long tail (or seed) keyword or keywords. From there, this tool mashes everything together, to provide you with a long list of potential keywords.
Here’s the example shared that’s when you first visit the site:
Once you hit the “generate” button, you’re shown the following:
Keyword In is, by far, one of the simplest keyword research tools to use. It only takes a couple of seconds to plug in your keywords, choose your options and generate results.
You may not always like what you see, but it’s easy to double-back and change your seed keywords. The more you do this, the more results you’ll generate.
Pro tip: experiment with each match type, including broad, phrase match and exact match.
I like keyword tools that are easy to use. Furthermore, I always tell people who are launching a new site to keep things as simple as possible. With Keyword In, you get the best results without any complications.

6. Soovle

Have you ever used Google’s autocomplete feature to generate keywords or a blog post title?
If this is a trick you’ve used in the past, you’ll love what Soovle has to offer.
In short, this free keyword research tool provides autocomplete suggestions from a variety of sources, not just from Google, to help you boost your search volume.
While you can use it for Google suggestions, there are many other sources, including Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Wikipedia and Amazon.
The first thing you need to do is choose your source. Google is the default, but you can change this easily enough, by clicking on one of the many other icons below the search box.
The search results aren’t the most advanced, but you’ll probably find a few suggestions that make sense for your blog. For example, a search for “content marketing” shows the following suggestions from Google:
As you jump around to other sources, such as Yahoo, the results change:
The best way to use Soovle is to experiment with a variety of keywords, while paying close attention to the results from each source.
Using Soovle is as simple as entering your keyword and reviewing the results. It’s quick, it’s efficient and it’ll guide you towards a few good keywords.

7. Ubersuggest

Do you rely heavily on the Google Keyword Planner?
If so, you expect this tool to provide you with all of the keywords and data that you need to make informed decisions. And, while this typically holds true, it’s important to remember one thing: you may not be getting as much data as you think.
Ubersuggest provides you with keywords that are not available through the Google Keyword Planner.
With this in mind, I suggest that you always run a Ubersuggest search, after checking your keywords through the Google Keyword Planner.
Type in your keyword to this keyword tool and click “suggest.” This generates a list of keywords that is big enough to keep you busy for quite some time.
The thing that I like best about Ubersuggest is the way that it breaks down results by the letter. For example, a search for “content marketing” and the letter “a” shows the following:
With this organized approach, you have a better chance of reviewing every keyword, without missing one that could be a game changer for your site.
Pro tip: in addition to a web search, you can also search Images, Shopping, YouTube and News.

8. Wordtracker Scout

Have you ever considered the fact that your competition can provide you with the best keyword data? Do you need a new keyword suggest?
There are a lot of tools out there, including many on this list, that help you generate in-depth keyword lists.
But, you could be missing the boat, if you’re not paying attention to what your competition is doing.
It goes without saying that you can visit any web page, such as a blog post on a competitor’s site and dig around for keyword data. After a few minutes, you should have a better idea of the primary and secondary keywords.
However, this can be time consuming. And, you could also miss out on a few keywords, every now and again.
Wordtracker Scout is a high-powered Chrome extension that ensures your success, if this is a strategy that interests you (and it should be).
Once you have the extension installed, you simply visit a webpage, hover over the content and hit the “W” button. This generates the following:
Some of the key features of this keyword research tool includes:
  • The ability to analyze what your competitors are doing.
  • Access to high level keyword performance metrics.
  • Simple to use and understand.
When launching a new site, it’s only natural to wonder what your competition is doing. What steps are they taking to reach the top of the search engines and generate traffic?
It’ll take more than the right keywords to outdo your competition and achieve the same, or better, position with the search engines. But, it’s good to collect as much data as possible. Using this free Chrome extension puts you in position to analyze the target keywords of any web page.

9. WordStream Free Keyword Tool

When it comes to keyword research, there’s a right and a wrong way of performing your analysis.
Rather than guess and hope for the best, I urge you to experiment with all 10 of these free keyword research tools. Doing so will go a long way in ensuring that you choose the right keywords for your new site, thereby guiding your content strategy, increasing your ranking with search engines and edging you closer to success.
Do you have experience with any of these keyword research tools?  Which free keyword tool has been the most helpful in your content strategy? Share your feedback in the comment section below.


Comments (261)

  1. Gareth Griffiths
    Great list, Neil! There’s a few of those I wasn’t aware of. I’m loving Soovle!
    I hadn’t heard of SEO Chat until now when you mentioned their keywords tool. I just had a quick look around their site and they have some amazingly helpful free tools!
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad you found it helpful Gareth. let me know if you have any questions
      1. Varandeep Kaur
        Hey Neil, thank you so much. Your article has proved to be a savior and starting point for me as I’m a beginner in this field. Thank you again
        1. Neil Patel
          It’s my pleasure, Varandeep 🙂
          1. Rahul
            Great thank you so much neil sir for this content
            1. Neil Patel
              Sure thing 🙂
      2. Umar
        Hi neil patel .I want to learn seo because I am beginner and I don’t know that how I learn so please tell me ho w I start.thanks
        1. Neil Patel
          I would start by reading this 🙂
  2. Muhammad Usman
    Hi Neil Thanks For sharing a great keywords searching tools information you are my ideal dear Thanks, buddy again . Good Day
    1. Neil Patel
      My pleasure Muhammad
  3. Saviour Sanders
    I want to become a better marketer than you, Neil. Give me a short gist of how to go about it?
    1. Neil Patel
      Don’t think I could give a short gist 😉
      1. Tom
        You can’t because you’re not Neil. You’re one of his employees. LOL
        1. Neil Patel
          Nope, this is Neil, and there’s no shorty gist of how to do marketing. Marketing is very vast 🙂
  4. Anil Agarwal
    Keyword research is the key to increasing your search traffic quickly.
    Yet, most bloggers don’t do keyword research. All they do is they come up with some random topic ideas to write about and publish them without focusing on a single keyword.
    That’s a huge mistake and I highly suggest everyone to start doing it asap. Using free tools like Keyword planner has its own advantages but I still prefer paid tools like LTP and SEMrush because they give me access to hundreds of unused keyword ideas.
    Keep rocking Neil, another great post on keyword research!
    1. Neil Patel
      Agreed. The tools you mentioned are so powerful for this. Glad you enjoyed the post Anil
    2. wonderful hub
      Thanks Neil for the great article, i’m lovin these tools.
      Anil you are missing the kwfinder, they are amazing in keyword research.
      hope you’ll be using this tool soon.
      1. Neil Patel
        You’re very welcome!
  5. Themba Mkandla
    The value you give through your articles is timeless. Thank you Neil.
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad you liked it Themba
  6. Nick
    I notice Keyword Planner screenshot does not have the exact search volume. This is a big problem when deciding which keywords to use. Fortunately, I found this FREE keyword research tool, go to and you can access exact Google Search volume for free with unlimited use.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for sharing Nick
  7. Rishav
    I was only aware about google Keyword Planner till date, But today I have many tools to analyse search traffic because of this great article. Excellent article this time again as always. Thanks Neil
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad I could help Rishav
  8. Ananth
    Just valuable insights, implement and money is there in the bank
    1. Neil Patel
      You got it Ananth
  9. Jay
    Really great tools to check out. Though Google’s Keyword planner still stays my personal favorite. As the data it provides, i think is the most accurate, and combining it with google trends, you can get a pretty exact precise estimate of the search volumes.
    1. Neil Patel
      Keyword Planner is amazing. Such a powerful tool that’s underutilized
  10. Amit Sehgal
    Google keyword planer is a great too when it comes to free keyword research but they now don’t show the exact search volume which is a bad thing about them.
    Thanks for sharing other alternatives too.
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help Amit
  11. Umer Prince
    But I like the way you write blog posts and the images for promotion are too good.
    Got good information here, thanks.
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help Umer
  12. Chris Frampton
    Great tips Neil, especially Soovle, which I’d not heard of.
    One point that I’d mention is that when using Adwords, I wouldn’t mistake ‘competition’ for ‘ranking difficulty’.
    Although there often will be a correlation, Adwords low competition simply means advertisers aren’t willing to bid on a certain search term. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re easy to rank for organically.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the clarification Chris
  13. Taylor Minaj
    amazing list.. but i am going crazy with soovle tool..
    Thanks once again 🙂
    1. Neil Patel
      Good crazy or bad crazy? 🙂
  14. Mohammed Anzil
    Great list Neil. Keyword In and Soovle are new for me. I would like to try both. Thank you.
    1. Neil Patel
      Let me know how they work out for you Mohammed
  15. Amit Surti
    I like Keywords Everywhere extension is a free keyword research tool that shows you useful google keyword search volume and cpc data on multiple websites
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for sharing Amit
    2. Mario
      Unfortunately it has limited country based search. My country isn’t included yet
      1. Neil Patel
  16. Priyakeerthi
    Before days Google Adwords showing exact search values Eg.. 1000, 400, 700.,,
    But nowadays Adwords show search ranges only, not showing exact values. Eg.. 1k-10k, 10-100k. This is a any new updates??
    They’re really convincing and will definitely work.
    I think everyone should know such information like you have described on this post.
    1. Neil Patel
      You’ll need an active account to see accurate data, otherwise you’ll only see estimates
      1. priyakeerthi
        Thank you so much Neil sir…..
        1. Neil Patel
          You’re welcome
  17. Lovekesh Sachdeva
    Thanks for sharing.. it’s really helpful for newcomers..
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help Lovekesh
  18. Sam
    Hi Neil . started with word tracker scout now .Thanks for sharing awesome keyword tools .
    1. Neil Patel
      No problem!
  19. Boris Team Irayo
    Hey Neil , great post with some little-known tools. I generally always end up going back to Google keyword planner, it helps that I actually have some spend on ads 😛
    Also checked out Soovle after reading this post. Pretty awesome tool will probably use it often.
    Hopefully one day our tool Irayo can make this sort of list ?
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad you liked it Boris. Always nice to have a budget for ads 🙂
      Thanks will check it out Boris
      1. Boris Team Irayo
        Hey Neil, just another observation, in the post you’ve mentioned google correlate as a tool showing “which keywords get searched together”. Having used the tool myself and from what i garner from the faq section of correlate, it seems like it’s more a tool “which enables you to find queries with a similar pattern to a target data “. Hence showing keywords which followed the same data trend as per google trends and not necessarily keywords searched together.
        1. Neil Patel
          As you use the tool, you will begin to discover patterns and trends with the keywords you’re targeting. These linkages will help you target the keywords that will help lift one another in the SERPs
  20. Vipin Mishra
    Thanks Neil Patel for this awesome write.
    Got to know about some really great keyword tools. I was sttucked with the Google Keyword Planner only and this post made my day. No one can explain like you 🙂
    Thanks Brother 🙂
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help Vipin. Let me know if you have questions
  21. Trent
    I’m actually planning to build a couple new affiliate sites this weekend so it was excellent timing on this post. Some of these tools will help a lot for the keyword research phase. I knew about keyword planner, of course, but many of the others are new to me. Thanks for the info!
    1. Neil Patel
      Awesome Trent! Let me know if you have questions
  22. Aptoide APK
    Google Keyword Planner is evergreen I’m using since last three years now never find any alternative of it
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad its working out for you
  23. Tony
    I was using Keyword Planner but after the latest update, I’m not able to use it anymore. So, the best replacement is SEMRUSH, I think :).
    I’ve never try any of those tools above yet. Let me try 🙂
    1. Neil Patel
      SEMrush is good
  24. Mario
    I’m still wondering if there’s any online tool that could give me similar result as Google Keyword Planner. I need the monthly Search hit data. Can you give me some suggestion (preferably the free one). Thanks
    1. Neil Patel
      Not exactly Mario, but you can take a look at toos like ahrefs or semrush
  25. Aseem
    Again nice post Neil. I am practicing SEO for last 3 years using paid tools and some of these free tools. But the free tools don’t give the results like Alexa or hubspot paid tools. Take the example of google keyword planner, it doesn’t give you the accurate results for some long tail keyword search. Thank you.
    1. Neil Patel
      Yeah that’s true Aseem. With free tools you’ll get the basics, but you gotta pay to play
  26. Ahmed
    great keyword source Neil , liked soovle
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help Ahmed
      1. sahil
        yes i also use solve cos it is so easy for use
        1. Neil Patel
  27. Thoughtgrid
    Every SEO needs to improve the keyword rank position first of all they need to research about the keywords so you give an clear view about the keyword research tools keep update the valuable post like this
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  28. Seo services
    Wonderful artilce…I don’t have words for the content comment .. Good job..
    1. Neil Patel
      These words work pretty well 😉
  29. Mark Henry
    Hey Neil,
    Great post! Well researched list of tools for keyword research. Thanks for sharing.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks Mark
  30. Webx Technology
    Great post once again , Thanks for sharing
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you.
  31. Atabik sohaib
    that was really an amazing article this one is very helpful for me and it helps me a lot.
    thanks a lot Neil patel.
    i want your help for check my URL.
    1. Neil Patel
      Focus on local search marketing techniques 😉
  32. SerpYou
    Answer The Public – awesome keyword generator
    1. Neil Patel
      Very helpful 🙂
  33. Harshit bhootra
    Hey Neil,
    I just found that you bought Uber suggest. So are you going to share in some blog posts that what are your plans with it and why you picked that tool instead of many others to invest in. 😊 waiting for that post !
    1. Neil Patel
      That will happen very soon 😉
  34. Sumit
    I am using google keyword planner since 3 years but one thing i noticed most of keywords were already used. i will surely try some of your list to get fresh list. Thanks
    I will try for my site:
    1. Neil Patel
      Great, let me know how it goes.
  35. Ashu
    Sir wow great tools sir Love u. you solved my many problems thank you so much, sir
    and one more thing sir please suggest me some tools for backlinks
    1. Neil Patel
      Ahrefs, Serpstat 🙂
  36. Daniel
    Really informative. Excellent material that solves a problem. Great stuff!
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks, Daniel.
  37. Josh Bruce
    Great post as always, but just two points I would add –
    1) For Google Adwords Keyword Planner – “you can’t go wrong with this tool”. The data can be misleading because it doesn’t show the average monthly searches for that specific search term, it groups similar keywords together, See More on Moz.
    2)The Keywords Everywhere free browser extension is really useful for importing the Keywords Planner data straight into the SERPs.
    Cheers 🙂 Josh
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the feedback, Josh.
  38. David York
    So there is a few things that is crucial to SEOs that is missing here- the ability to project ROI for phrases once you actually get ranked on pg 1 of the SERPS.. so which keywords have the most value?? And more importantly- how much content should you create each month to actually rank on pg. 1 for any given phrase. The only keyword research tool I’ve seen that will do all of the above is a new software called Rank Hacker found at Super slick and easy to use!
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the suggestion.
  39. Usman
    hi neil patel,
    agreed.i appreciate ur work and this is very helpful.amazing key word searchtool. keep it up and good luck.
    god bless keep smiling as always.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks, Usman.
  40. Haryo
    Neil, you are my inspiration!! i will include your tools suggestion on my blog , ….. and Neil i have a request if you write about how to research keyword use social media such facebook, twitter and instagram.
    1. Neil Patel
  41. Roger Janik
    The one super hot tool everyone is talking about the combines most of the above is Rank Hacker.. it gives you the content marketing strategy of your page 1 competitors so you can match them for any keyword. In addition it forecasts leads and sales figures for every keyword phrase so you know how valuable it is before you spend all them time and money on SEO.. super slick!
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the tip, Roger.
  42. M Hatcher
    Insightful read thank you! I had a love/hate relationship with Adwords for a long time but to be honest, the only one that has ever worked for me is Jaaxy. I saw a rise literally overnight from one or two visitors to one of my sites to around 400, simply by tweaking one word, which, if Jaaxy hadn’t offered a suggestion (as it does on the right hand side when you search for something) I would never have seen it and used it. I’ve got a video here if anyone is interested in how Jaaxy works…
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the suggestion Michelle!
  43. Anup
    Thanks a lot. This is a great list of keyword research tools. I found Google Keyword Planner the best to find niche keywords and Ubersuggest for some good LSI keywords for long tail keywords searches for my blog
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the feedback, Anup! I’m glad you’re getting good SEO results on your blog 🙂
  44. Hari
    Hi Neil Can you please suggest a free tool from which it can generate a set of keywords based on the given landing page Url. Please help me on this.
    1. Neil Patel
      I don’t know of any tools that do that. You can use Google search to find related queries, though.
  45. Prem
    Thanks Sir I really enjoy everytime and learn new things
    I have used some of the tools above mention but i will explore some more. I am looking for some keyword suggestion tools which will help with Indian CPC rate.
    My site is
    1. Neil Patel
      Try and Moz’s Open Site Explorer.
  46. ravi shankar
    hello Nail
    nice artical and i’m love the tools above mentioned and i’m using them on my website called HD Media HUB ( ) and thay are not working to me.
    plz suggest me cheap and best tool under 10000 per year
    1. Neil Patel
      What are you needing the tool to do?
  47. Naveen
    Thnks for this post, i am currently using google adword for keyword research for my new wbsite.(
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re very welcome, Naveen. Good luck with your keyword research!
  48. Nayan Jyoti Deka
    Awesome Article Neil , I Am From India I Am 18 Years Old And Practicing SEO Every Time I Teach A New Thing From Your Blog Or YT Channel ….
    1. Neil Patel
      That’s great to hear! Good luck to you!
  49. Stephen Botwe
    Hello Neil,
    You’re really doing some great work here. I really like these keyword tools you recommended. I have been following your articles closely but today I decided to also speak my mind.
    Thanks so much for sharing. I know that you’re considered “the link building guy” in most SEO circles.
    And man, I And I’m publishing a new link based on a new, but very useful Keyword Tool I have discovered.
    Would love to get your quick feedback on it… mind if I send you the link?
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks Stephen! You’re more than welcome to send me the link. You can reach me at
  50. garry batth
    Personal experience only Ubersuggest is helpful rest ones are crap. sorry to say
    1. Neil Patel
      We all have our preferences Garry 🙂 I’m glad you like Ubersuggest!
  51. Joel Huang
    Nice post. Great list of Keyword Research tools. Really helpful article. I am using different keywords research tools. Google keyword planner is really good, it is free. This tool is beginner friendly. Thanks for your article. One more blog for worth sharing related to SEO is
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks, Joel, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
  52. Stephen Botwe
    Hello Neil,
    Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to connect with you. I just sent you the Email about the Keyword Tool so you can please have a look at it. in your inbox.
    1. Neil Patel
      THanks, Stephen, I’ll look for it!
  53. wahengbam
    hey I’m floored by the way you respond to everyone here. You are simply amazing Neil. Come to India and do share your visit details too.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks! I love chatting with fellow entrepreneurs, and I would love to come to India! 🙂
  54. Appiqo Technologies
    Hello neil,
    These are amazing tools, some of them are paid. i love Ubersuggest keyword planner tool. It shows amazing results
    1. Neil Patel
      I’m glad to hear it!
  55. Ria Cheripuram
    Thanks Neil for this list. I also found a great tool called Keywords Everywhere which can be installed as a Google Chrome extension. The best user-friendly tool i have ever used for finding out keywords, keyword search volume, competition etc.
    1. Neil Patel
      Awesome, Ria, thanks for sharing!
  56. Paroma
    Hi Neil. Great Article. I’m starting as a junior digital marketer this week and this by far has been the best article that I’ve read so far, and I’ve been reading a lot!
    1. Neil Patel
      That’s great to hear! Good luck with your new job!
  57. Hitesh patil
    Nice article .Neil please tell me how can i add floating share buttons in my website
    1. Neil Patel
      I recommend WordPress plugins like AddThis. 🙂 Thanks!
  58. Jonh
    thank you sir really useful article i really like it…
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad to hear it!
  59. Mukesh Saini
    Amazing tips for beginners, I am very happy to read this tips. Hello, I am beginner in blogging, my blog URL but visitors is none. please help
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for reading Mukesh! Do you have a specific question about your blog I can help you with?
  60. KingKunta
    neil i really appreciate the time and effort you put into this post, it helped me strategies my music website.
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to hear that!
  61. Puneet
    hello sir NYC to get a alot of knowledge from this . Can you check by site
    Why I am not getting ranking after 6 months
    1. Neil Patel
      Make sure your content is in-depth, more interesting than the competition’s, and that your site is optimized.
  62. Stephen Agabus
    Neil, I must confess you did a very great job here by bringing out all these KW research tools. Although you ranked Ubebrsuggest as #7 but in my opinion it is the very best free KW research tool available for now.
    1. Neil Patel
      I’m really glad you like it!
  63. Bharat Rawat
    Hey Neil, I am a huge fan of you and your blogs. I read you this article and get inspired by that and write an article on the same topic. Let’s have a look and let me know how its.Is any improvement need there. here is the URL :
    1. Neil Patel
  64. Komalpreet Singh
    Great Article, You must have spent alot of time to research these tools. Thanks !
    1. Neil Patel
      Most of my day is spent researching, reading, and writing 🙂
  65. Patrick Spencer
    incredibly helpful for someone just starting out with seo and keyword searches, just trying to get down the basics without paying anything at all. thanks much!
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad you liked it, Patrick!
  66. Harish
    Very helpful information and good to read.
    This article :
    The reader might be know bit more about the keyword research tools.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for sharing
  67. Shemul Mondal
    How you can write this kind of cool English. Your English is just awesome. Thanks for giving a very great resources.
    1. Neil Patel
      English is my first language. I am from California 😉
  68. Santosh Kumar
    Great Article Thanks for sharing!
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re welcome!
  69. Imtiaz nabi
    Neilpatel I found your website quite interesting I want to tell you that I am a student and I want to earn money online. I don’t have anything yet so I will be starting with free thing i.e blogger Kindly help me I want to start working on fitness and food combine is it ok to make a single blog for both?
    1. Neil Patel
      Yeah, you can blog about both on the same site. They are different but related.
  70. Imtiaz nabi
    Also tell me how to use keywords like for example I seached for fitness in ubersuggest and got tons of related keywords so it means i should use them all in my articles? Or just pick one keyword like abs exercises and the use it in article
    1. Neil Patel
      You should have one focus keyword per article but you can use numerous variations in each article
  71. Divyaraj
    which topic I start a blog, please suggest
    1. Neil Patel
      Follow your passion
  72. godwin christo
    Is google keyword planner tool is free or paid. Please tell me.
    1. Neil Patel
  73. Abhinav Singh
    #NeilPatel Sir you are always good. I haven’t heard soovle,seochat,google correlate yet,but these are really good tools. Thanks for giving such information.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for the tip!
  74. Nitin Kumar
    wooo This is amazing information about keyword search tips.
    Thanks for sharing your best suggestion .
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re welcome 🙂
  75. Lawrence
    Though the list is endless, I am still able to get what I really want to do my Long Tail Keyword search. Thanks for this wonderful piece of information. I love it here.
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re very welcome, Lawrence!
  76. Amit Raj
    Badhiya Niel Bhai, Really helpfull.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks 🙂
  77. Tammyane
    Awesome blog posting . Very excellent 10-free-keyword-research-tools-to-help-plan-your-new-site. It is very helpful to me
    1. Neil Patel
      Glad you liked it, Tammyane!
  78. Rajeev
    Really awesome blog for Keyword tools to understand easily. How each tools work. that for sharing valuable post Neil
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re very welcome!
  79. Rishabh Kochar
    Hi Neil! I was looking for free ASO tools, can you help me with those?
    1. Neil Patel
      I don’t know the best ones off the top of my head because ASO marketing isn’t my focus.
  80. Urooj Salman
    Hey Neil, is there any other free tool to know keyword search volume over an adjustable period of time and a certain location all at one place? since most of the above either charge something to deliver that or don’t give all three parameters’ selection option. Thanks and great article. 🙂
    1. Neil Patel
      Have you checked out the updated version of Ubersuggest 😉
  81. TechniclSuggest
    Thanks for this article, this really helps me to find keywords for my blog.
    I also have the same article on my blog but in Hindi version.
    1. Neil Patel
      Hindi version of this article? Can you send me the link?
  82. Raju puwviya
    hi neil, i have a query can you please help me?
    You says that long tail keywords are good to choose in place of short tail to rank faster.but they contain stop word in them and when i put that particular long tail keyword in yoast seo focus keyword column. it shows that your url or title have stop word in it please remove it.
    suggest me the right direction im totally confused
    1. Neil Patel
      I don’t think that having stop words is that big of a deal. You can remove them from the URL slug but it is ok if they are part of the focus keyword.
  83. Raju puwviya
    Thank you very much for spending your valuable time to answer my question
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re very welcome!
    All of your post are really awesome. I get energized with you articles.
    Great fan of you.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks a lot 🙂
  85. Rahul Tandale
    Wow! awesome collection .. thx Neil … U always rock..
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re welcome!
  86. Saayed
    HI Very Good Collection Neil, Thanks for Sharing, We already Use same of for my Website
    1. Neil Patel
      You are very welcome!
  87. rahul
    nice article thanks for this tips
    1. Neil Patel
      You are very welcome! 🙂
  88. Cyber Stumble
    Neil Sir, Every time I hit to a satisfactory answer whenever I search for SEO queries. You are the best blogging teacher so far.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you!
  89. nohan
    nell patel sir that was amazing for me. i hope it will be most import to grow up my site. no one helped us sir. then i deside however getted up as solo. sir if you can help me sir that is the my turning point. im stuck with studies. also now i haven”t money now.. when ever i teach everything from yours sir
    1. Neil Patel
      Great 🙂
  90. Sacha Heck
    Hi Neil,
    Very good list. I always come back to it in fact.
    Could you add Luxembourg as country to Ubersuggest? That would be awesome.
    Thanks and kind regards,
    1. Neil Patel
      New countries will be added in the future for sure. Thanks for the suggestion, Sacha!
  91. Bill
    Thanks Neil for sharing this list. I also recently discovered a great tool called Windsor keyword optimizer. Free and easy to use.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thanks for sharing, Bill 🙂
  92. Marie-Claire
    Hi Neil, I love Ubersuggest which has become my first tool to evaluate ranking possibilities and keywords. I have been using it for weeks, however every time the service is very very slow, maybe because I am located in France? Could you please check out this issue?
    1. Neil Patel
      We are working to improve the speed. Sometimes when a lot of people are using the tool at the same time it slows down a bit but we are working on speeding it up 🙂
  93. siddik
    Thank Nell for sharing great knowledge of keyword research
    1. Neil Patel
      You are very welcome!
  94. Isaac
    Google keywords planner is so annoying, I’ve never been able to open it, it always take me to the ads manager when I click the URL, why?
    1. Neil Patel
      Use Ubersuggest instead 😉
  95. Hassan Raza
    O Thanks
    I had to complete my Assignment.
    And by this article, I did it.
    1. Neil Patel
  96. Suresh Patel
    Thanks Neil for sharing this list. This tools will surely help me to find keywords for my next project.
    1. Neil Patel
      You’re very welcome!
  97. sasha l polit
    Great article Neil! Now what do I do when I have my keywords? Do I just add it to my website content? Do I add them as tags?
    Also, what is linking and how does that work?
    1. Neil Patel
      Use the keywords to guide your content marketing strategy. I suggest you read up on my articles about content marketing and link building 😉
  98. Scout Dawson
    Can I just say Ubersuggest is SO valuable. I am a brand new blogger currently on a ‘zero budget’ beyond general website fees, and the concept of forking out hundreds a month JUST to check keywords is kinda silly when my blog has one post on it so far.
    I’ve bookmarked it, and am building my little content bucket as I type this. Appreciate it, keep it up
    1. Neil Patel
  99. Karen Wray
    This needs updating as Googles keyword planner tool is no longer free
    1. Neil Patel
      This article is already in the queue to be updated soon. Thanks, Karen 🙂
  100. Albert Martinez Sampedro
    I highly recommend Ahrefs, its really complete and useful for seo an backlinks analysis 🙂
    1. Neil Patel
      It is a great tool for sure, Albert!
  101. Mehraj Hossen
    hey Neil, I impressed after see your such an incredible article about keyword research tools.
    You have ad links in all the 10 tools but the last I mean KW finder tool’s link does not exist. It showing a 404 error. I hope that you will fix it soon. thank you………..
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you for letting me know, Mehraj 🙂
  102. Nouman Ali
    Amazing post, thanks for sharing this article. i am truly motivated by you for blogging
    Thanks again
    1. Neil Patel
      You are very welcome!
  103. sscnote
    thank you for this article.
    1. Neil Patel
      Happy to help!
  104. Dinesh
    This blog is increases Keyword Research Skill. & I am Happy That i learned how to keyword research & mining .then how to do keyword placement my blog & my website.
    Thanks for sharing knowledge. @neilpatel
    1. Neil Patel
      You are very welcome!
  105. Kamal Upadhyay
    Really a great article about keyword research tools. Thanks for sharing.
    But I only use Google Keyword Planner and Google Search Console and I think there is no need of other tools for anything.
    What you think?
    1. Neil Patel
      Using Ubersuggest can help you quite a lot as well 😉
  106. Rosemary Bartolini
    Hi Neil – Thanks so much for this article. Your bio is very impressive! Now that I’m in the right place, it looks like I’ve got a lot of reading ahead of me. 😉 I have a question about the last example, the “Keyword Niche Finder.” From what I think I understand, the example shows that the most popular search term is “market is management content document web forecast” and if I want to generate traffic from people using this search, I need to incorporate these words into my site or blog. That doesn’t seem right to me since this word string doesnt make sense as a sentence. So how exactly am I supposed to use this information? Are these words meant to be used all together as a string? Am I allowed to insert words between these words or omit words? I’m not totally understanding its intended use. 🤔 Thanks in advance, Rosemary
    1. Neil Patel
      You are allowed to enter filler words in a way so that it makes sense 🙂 Sometimes keywords are awkward, so it’s our job to add them onto our site in a way that feels natural.
  107. Neethu
    Very Helpful Article. Thank you so much, Neil Patel, for writing like this article. I don’t have much more knowledge about Keyword research and research tool and how these tools are using effectively. So I got confidence to use these tools for my SEO work by reading this article. Thank you Very much.
    1. Neil Patel
      More than happy to help! Thank you, my friend!
  108. Kundan Mehta
    Thanks Sir for this nice post.
    Searching for free keyword research tool is pretty tough. I have used almost all the tools listed above and much more other tools. But when it comes for free keyword tool, is missing in this list. I have personally used this tools. This tool gives you details like Search volume, CPC, Competition and Monthly trend with a cool ways to export those tools to your excell, pdf and much more. It should be included in the list.
    Anyway Thanks for great article.
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you for sharing that tool, Kundan 🙂 You are very welcome!
  109. Fawad Ahmed
    It really helped me. Thanks Neil
    1. Neil Patel
      No problem 🙂
  110. Naim
    I am trying to rank my website with my keyword but it’s now working. what can i do now can you please suggest me? Can i build back link for rank my website or domain author?
    Thank you
    1. Neil Patel
      Make sure you’re following basic SEO guidelines. Also, I would look at what is ranking on page one for that keyword and make your page 10x better 🙂
  111. rajendra
    Hi Neil,
    I am new to this blogging world,recently I launched a blog using and purchasing astr pro version theme , I written a article on django framework to create a website. but i am not able to get the traffic to my website .please tell me some suggestion .
    1. Neil Patel
      How new is your site, friend? Sometimes it can take a while for a new site to index!
  112. Sara
    Your content is really useful, but please add the date in your article to quote you correctly.
    1. Neil Patel
      I don’t add dates to my articles because through testing I’ve found that it helps to improve my rank.
      However, I update all of my articles at the beginning of every year, so they’re all up to date. 🙂
  113. Rosy
    Thanks, Neil For useful Tips. I need Seo Tips for Business Directory
    1. Neil Patel
      What would you like to know?
  114. chinmaya
    you have one broken link on this page.
    (3. Google Correlate)
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you for letting me know!
  115. Zakir Hussain
    I don’t have enough words to say about this post. I can only appreciate you and you deserve it.
    Zakir Hussain
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you, Zakir 🙂
  116. Danut
    I’m at the beginning of starting a blog and creating content! I love the blog – and I love the nr7. I would like to use the pro version. It’s possible to get a special price?
    1. Neil Patel
      Unfortunately, the prices are set, however, the free version is very comprehensive as well 🙂
  117. Shashi
    Nice post
    1. Neil Patel
      Thank you! 🙂
      1. Digital Marketing Freelancer
        Hi Sir, your Articles are very useful for me, thank you for posting good information And please tell me the best Mobile app for keywords planning and back links search.
        1. Neil Patel
          I’m not sure the best mobile apps but Ubersuggest is great online tool 🙂
  118. Yogita
    Please suggest any keyword research tool for FB? High paying keywords for IA.
    1. Neil Patel

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